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The Cannabis industry will be comprised of those persons and companies engaged in the growth, preparation for sale, shipment, advertisement, and distribution of Cannabis and Cannabis-related products. It will be a global industry; Cannabis can grow in any warm, moist environment, which means it can be farmed outdoors on all continents except Antarctica and growing techniques indoors means it can be a cash-crop grown under industrial standards.

Cannabis is a widely used substance around the world and is poised to be one of the larger agricultural commodity products, similar in economic terms to agricultural foodstuffs.

The Cannabis industry will be backed by Governments who see the taxation and commercial exploitation of Marijuana as a source of revenue. By controlling the production of Cannabis they can allow corporations to manipulate the quality and genetic values of the plant to improve revenue through increased addict-ability.

By legalizing and promoting the use of a mind-altering product the Governments are not only looking at revenues but also at the ability to pacify citizens by encouraging the use and abuse of Cannabis.

Cannabis is a natural plant that has been used for centuries in sombre rituals and in personal explorations by individuals who appreciate the delicate workings of the mind and spirit and who used the properties inherent in the plant to explore realms outside of their normal experiences.

Cannabis is one of natures’ gifts that is now being exploited by forces that would like to promote it’s use to the general population. The percentage of the world’s population that uses Cannabis is very small.

In countries where it has been controlled and made illegal the black-market and underground trafficking and distribution has created poverty and violence through gang-violence and smuggling. Governments see the legalization of Cannabis to be a way to reduce crime and punishment while eliminating the black-market and illegal production.

The small percentage of the population who use Cannabis on a regular basis are likely to continue buying from their current sources meaning the legalization of marijuana will likely lead to the product being introduced to more and more of the population, people who would never have tried the product since it was not available commercially and legally.

In countries and states where legalization has started the black-market grow-ops are still doing a profitable business. The social impact of legalization will take decades to understand. Like tobacco and alcohol, Cannabis is used around the world. The impacts on health and social fabric that alcohol and tobacco have brought to humanity are well-documented.

Legalization is not about freedom. It is about tax dollars. The black-market will continue to thrive but the Government hopes to create new tax-revenues by allowing another product in to mainstream life. Promoters and proponents of Cannabis often ignore the similarities between alcohol, tobacco and weed.

Health care costs relating to the use of tobacco and alcohol are staggering. By legalizing and promoting Cannabis commercialization governments are showing their true colors. They prefer sick, drugged and addicted citizens who spend money on highly taxed products instead of lucid and healthy citizens who might see that real freedom is from abandoning the crutches of these products all together.

History of cannabis

Cannabis sativa appears naturally in many tropical and humid parts of the world. Its use as a mind-altering drug has been documented by archaeological finds in prehistoric societies in Eurasia and Africa.

The oldest written record of cannabis usage is the Greek historian Herodotus’s reference to the central Eurasian Scythians taking cannabis steam baths. 400 years before Christ he records, “The Scythians, as I said, take some of this hemp-seed [presumably, flowers], and, creeping under the felt coverings, throw it upon the red-hot stones; immediately it smokes, and gives out such a vapour as no Grecian vapour-bath can exceed; the Scyths, delighted, shout for joy.”

Classical Greeks and Romans were using cannabis, while in the Middle East, use spread throughout the Islamic empire to North Africa. In 1545, cannabis spread to the western hemisphere where Spaniards imported it to Chile for its use as fiber. In North America, cannabis, in the form of hemp, was grown for use in rope, clothing and paper.

Buying Weed Online

The days of meeting someone on the street corner to buy a bag of weed are long gone. With Cannabis now legal for medicinal use (and soon-to-be recreational) in Canada, many patients are looking to the internet to buy their medicine.

Mail order Cannabis is the new way to buy Cannabis and is super beneficial in so many ways. Here’s just a few of the reasons so many are looking to buy their weed online and get it safely delivered right to their front door.

You Don’t Have to Leave the House

Whether you don’t have access to a nearby dispensary or you plain just can’t (or don’t want to) leave the house, mail order Cannabis allows you to still have access to legal Cannabis . Some patients live in rural areas that make it difficult to go into a dispensary and pick up what they want. With mail order Cannabis there’s no need to leave the house. Simply buy what you need online and wait patiently for your package to arrive.

It’s Super Discreet

Although there really shouldn’t be, there is still a stigma attached to medical Cannabis use. One of the biggest benefits of mail order Cannabis is that you can purchase it very discreetly. This is an excellent option for those whose jobs or personal life may be negatively affected by other’s views of the use of Cannabis , legal or not.

There is a Larger Product Selection

If you go to a dispensary you’re limited to what they have in stock. With mail order Cannabis however, you can browse numerous online dispensaries until you find exactly what products fit your needs. When you decide on mail order Cannabis , you’re really doing yourself a favor by giving yourself options to a much larger scope of medically approved Cannabis products and strains.

Excellent for Critically Ill Patients

For those patients who are critically ill, getting mail order Cannabis is often their only option. Imagine being so sick that you can’t leave the house to pick up your own medicine. Mail order Cannabis really serves its purpose here. Prescription pills are available through the mail, and prescription Cannabis should be no different. From those with cancer and multiple sclerosis to patients that are bound to a wheelchair, mail order Cannabis is sometimes the only way they can get their medication.

A Great Way for Mentally Ill Patients to Medicate

For those medical Cannabis patients that suffer from anxiety or depression, getting out of the house and going to a dispensary to pick up their medicine can feel all but impossible. Depression can be seriously incapacitating and dealing with people a nightmare. Mail order Cannabis allows these patients to safely medicate without sending them into a tailspin. For patients with degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, mail order Cannabis is practically a requirement. Many of these patients are under the full-time care of another person who, unless they have a medical card, aren’t able to buy Cannabis . Mail order Cannabis is often their only means of getting the medicine they so desperately need.

Cannabis Oil

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