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Letters, Oct. 23: Common sense should rule the road, reader says

rerolled on giantweed from the source

Perhaps if they added a small sign under the increased-speed-limit signs that said, “Only applicable to experienced and knowledgeable drivers,” those casualty statistics would better reflect what should be going on in those increased speed zones.

I see so many times in my extensive driving through the Interior where these speed limits were increased obviously inexperienced people driving way too fast with frightened looks on their faces behind white knuckles on the steering wheel of expensive high-performance cars that they have no idea how to drive. A recipe for disaster in the making, especially with the inclement weather we often experience.

Common sense and driving experience are the only two real factors that will decrease the carnage that currently occurs all too often on our highways, regardless of any speed limit.

Jeff Laurie, Langley

Watch out for pedestrians

To you inconsiderate drivers out there, and there are thousands of you. In the B.C. driver’s learning handbook there is a phrase that reads: “You must yield to pedestrians,” which applies to all traffic-controlled intersections and crosswalks.

As I’m a frequent walker the thousands of you could easily put me in the hospital or have me killed because it seems that you are all daydreaming at the wheel, and in a rush, in reality, to accomplish nothing that is important.

Joe Sawchuk, Duncan

Why no pro-rep debate?

Why doesn’t Premier John Horgan have a live, televised debate regarding proportional representation with Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson? Green party Leader Andrew Weaver could join in as well as it will take both of them to explain it.

British Columbians deserve to know what they’re voting for.

Darryl Wallis, Agassiz

Trudeau unrealistic about weed

How simplistic can the Justin Trudeau Liberals be when it comes to weed. People can grow their own. Nothing has changed except business has their money in pot.

When it comes to saving money, people will grow their own or have their favourite dealer on speed-dial, not Trudeau and his simplistic, imaginary world of retail and taxes. Weed will still have no politics or religion.

Wayne Robertson, Chatham, Ont.

Much ado about nothing

Is this what it was like when Prohibition ended? Media, government, academia and more all extolling the villainous results that would inevitably occur once the public had access again to alcohol?

I have watched for the past six months all the media hype about marijuana legalization, and all I can do is shake my head. From what I read, I anticipate Canada will become a country of stoned zombies, unable to work, drive or continue to live productive lives once cannabis legally falls into the hands of people. Police officers have to take 30 days off work if they want to use cannabis once, as they need to have 28 days between its use and their shift. Please, anyone, tell me what strain lasts for 28 days, I will be a big buyer.

I would like to point out that we have been using cannabis for decades, we just haven’t been doing it ‘legally’. Legalization isn’t going to change anything, except make it easier to buy, instead of having to go to your roommate’s best friend’s boyfriend Ted’s basement suite to buy it.

This whole thing reminds me of Y2K. A whole lot of buildup, all kinds of projected disaster scenarios. People were stocking bunkers, you couldn’t find a generator to buy for miles. The end was nigh.

In the end, it was a whole lot of nothing. That will be the result here too.

Nissa Steen, Surrey

Letters to the editor should be sent to provletters@theprovince.com. The editorial pages editor is Gordon Clark, who can be reached at gclark@postmedia.com.

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