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Letters to The Province, April 1, 2019: Omar Khadr situation ‘sickens and disgusts’ reader

rerolled on giantweed from the source

There is nothing fair about the decision to allow Omar Khadr to walk free on a judge’s ruling. Khadr, 15 years old in 2002, went to Afghanistan as a Canadian terrorist with one purpose — to murder people who did not share the same views as al-Qaida.

He murdered a U.S. soldier who was there defending the lives and rights of Afghan civilians. Khadr was not a soldier fighting another country’s soldiers — he was a terrorist who went there to kill in the name of al-Qaida.

Luckily for Khadr, Justin Trudeau was elected prime minister. Not long after, taxpayers got to fork over $10.5 million tax-free dollars to Khadr for his troubles. That sickens and disgusts me. Khadr killed U.S. Special Forces soldier Christopher Speer in Afghanistan and never worked a day in his life. There is nothing fair or right about it.

Ron Eisenman, Surrey

B.C. is a dirty money joke

B.C. and Canada will continue to be perceived globally as comedy central for ineffective money-laundering enforcement, but it sure isn’t funny.

Without a thoughtful overhaul of our financial laws as well as strict enforcement, we will continue to be seen as a global problem. Terrorism, organized crime and the gradual slide toward societal demise are the inevitable outcomes.

Rick Cregg, Chilliwack

Hate atlas will breed hate

I strongly disagree with Morgane Oger’s idea to create a Canadian Atlas of Populist Extremism. I feel it will promote more hate than get rid of it.

Any money spent would be better used toward assisting senior groups, children’s programs or mental-health issues. One could go on and on with suggestions as to where money could go for useful causes.

Ed Kleisterlee, Maple Ridge

Vaping, toking also illegal

I have pointed out to people who were smoking (tobacco), vaping (who-knows-what), and toking (cannabis) in parks that they were at risk of a $2,000 fine if caught. Most thanked me and extinguished whatever they were smoking and only a few were abusive and profane.

But the vapers and tokers have told me that they couldn’t be fined because they weren’t smoking, to which I replied that all three activities are banned from parks and beaches and that the law applies to all three. A few have indicated that they didn’t believe they would get caught. If you know people who smoke, vape or toke, you’ll be doing them a favour — and saving them $2,000 — by enlightening them.

Jerry Steinberg, Surrey

Uber is easy

Uber! Uber! is the cry but it seems to fall on deaf ears in Victoria. Legislation to allow ride-hailing in B.C. sure is slow in arriving.

Meanwhile, B.C. travellers tell us how easy it is get an Uber app and use it in other countries. It has been used in London and as far off as Jordan with convenience, comfort and security, and Uber has an excellent reputation.

Another big plus is that it converts your currency to the currency of the country you are in — no math required.

Ruth Enns, Vancouver

Sidoo sons knew

The March 26 letter to the editor by Allan Cunningham about the college admission scandal may be the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read.

Of course the sons of David Sidoo knew what was going on. They knew that they didn’t write the SAT! They knew that an impostor wrote the exam for them.

Peter Radiuk, Vancouver

Letters to the editor should be sent to provletters@theprovince.com. The editorial pages editor is Gordon Clark, who can be reached at gclark@postmedia.com.

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