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Letters to The Province, Sept. 27, 2018: Bringing more people to Metro Vancouver isn’t sustainable, readers agree

rerolled on giantweed from the source

Re: Dave Small’s letter to the editor.

I agree with Dave Small, as does my husband. Bringing more and more people is unsustainable.

The sewage has to go somewhere and the roads aren’t keeping up. How about drinking water? We have earlier and earlier water restrictions. Seems greed is the driving factor in the population growth of our region, not common sense.

Monica Forster, Vancouver

Small is right

Congratulations, Dave Small, for pointing out what political and business elites choose to ignore, namely that population growth on a massive scale is destroying Vancouver as a livable city.

The solution is simple: limit immigration to 25,000 per annum; reform municipal politics by prohibiting large contributions from realtors, developers and other special-interest groups; and enforce the law against money-laundering.

Well, one can dream.

Larry Sharp, Vancouver

Green ‘bill of goods’

The Trudeau government’s legalization of cannabis is another tax grab. They should have decriminalized it and allowed it to be sold like oregano or cilantro. There would be no tax collection and none of the hysteria to control it.

Under the federal plan, the illegal trade in marijuana will continue. Greed will drive the price up for government-approved cannabis, so illegal dealers will sell it for less and nothing will change, other than another costly bureaucracy will be developed.

I haven’t used marijuana over the past decade, but watching our governments sell this bill of goods and seeing the public swallow it is sad.

Robert Tritschler, Parksville

There is hope

Thank you so much for the article earlier this month on Jemal Damtawe and his life from “impossible” circumstances as a child soldier, gangster and drug user to victory.

It’s encouraging to hear about people who rise above addictions and evil, and go on to live productive, useful lives. There is hope and this is the kind of article that encourages and builds a better society.

Carolyn Kosowan, Creston

Audit them all

Anyone who can’t see that members of Chilliwack council are trying to discredit mayoral candidate Sam Waddington in the upcoming election by auditing his expenses as a councillor is blind to the political atmosphere in Chilliwack.

I applaud an audit of council expenses, but it should apply to all council members. When guidelines for eligible expenses are “vague” and “undefined” there is ample room for all council members to make mistakes. Singling out Waddington is mudslinging at its worse.

Joe Martin, Chilliwack

U.S. should vote for health care

With the ongoing turmoil in the world — mass shootings, shutting down NAFTA, etc., what are the American newscasts discussing? The size and peculiarity of U.S. President Donald Trump’s — er — accessories.

I urge our U.S. friends living in Canada to cast their votes in the upcoming midterm elections. Vote for a party that will work to give you the fair health benefits you deserve. Basic health care should be the right of every citizen, not a privilege for the wealthy.

I seriously believe that our U.S. neighbours have misplaced their collective brains.

Judith McQuiggan, Coquitlam

Watts criticism welcome

Kudos to former Surrey mayor Dianne Watts for criticizing Doug McCallum’s run for mayor of Surrey.

Trust me, if I were running for an elected position I would want Watts speaking against me as well — to guarantee me more votes and a possible victory.

Dennis Jensen, Delta

Letters to the editor should be sent to provletters@theprovince.com. The editorial pages editor is Gordon Clark, who can be reached at gclark@postmedia.com.

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